&hint1=This piece represents the importance of the female role in hunter-gatherer societies& &hint2=This piece is a Sumerian relief work from around 2000 BCE& &hint3=This goddess' stately, cylindrical form became a visual prototype for female deities throughout Western civilization& &hint4=The goddess depicted in this piece was known by several different names& &choices=Female figurine found at Dolci;Inanna/Ishtar wearing a crown of lunar horns;Coatlicue;Vairocana Buddha and Attendants;The Good Shepherd, Catacomb of Calixtus;Standing Buddha, Sarnath& &answer=Inanna/Ishtar wearing a crown of lunar horns& &search=Ishtar Inanna& &title=Inanna/Ishtar wearing a crown of lunar horns and a rainbow necklace with lions and owls& &artist=& &medium=Terracotta relief& &date=Sumer, Mesopotamia, Larsa period, c.2000 BCE& &location=Private collection& &dimensions=height 1'8"&